Monday 4 January 2021

Chocolate Chip Cookies (adapted from internet with some modifications)

500g self raising flour (sift with bicarbonate soda)
320g unsalted butter (soft but still slightly cold)
190g brown sugar
20g caster sugar
1/2 teaspoon chocolate emulco
2 eggs
150-200g chocolate chips
5g Bicarbonated soda
Pinch of salt

1. Preheat oven at 160°C degrees. Mix unsalted butter, brown sugar, caster sugar and salt in a mixing bowl, cream till blended.
2. Add in eggs, one at a time and mix till well blended (eggs are incorporated into the mixture) then mix in chocolate emulco.
3. Pour in self raising flour (sifted with bicarbonated soda) mix till incorporated. Lastly combine chocolate chips.
4. Use spoon to scoop up small balls onto baking tray, lightly pinch the top part to make it higher like a mini mountain.
5. Bake at 160 degrees for 20 mins or until cooked, cool on rack.